Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Donor's Choose

Donor's choose has been kind to me this year. Thus far, I have received a class set of dry erase markers, a class set of dictionaries, a class set of The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963, and a laptop computer. Pictures are the dry erase boards and The Watson's Go to Birmingham- 1963.

below is a link to my page and to the other 5th grade teacher's page on donor's choose. there you can see what projects we are currently asking for.

Hello World : - )

After a little thinking, I decided I would start blogging again. Lately, I have been experimenting in the kitchen with some of my own recipes and I decide I needed someone to share my experiments with. I also wanted to start blogging again because I am a teacher and a children's minister and I have a lot going on that I would like to share (and then have something to look back on to remember what I did for what lesson). For example, my door decorations, bulletin board ideas, lesson ideas, and ideas for events at church that are, for example, more meaningful to kids than an Easter Egg. It may be a little boring really until next school year starts, but I will need time to practice blogging again.

Warning: I am an English teacher but I overuse commas, never remember to use capitalization, and I am a terrible speller (good thing spell check is my best friend!!).